Memorable Moments Through Genuine Hearts


EST. 2015


Embrace Elegance, Celebrate Love

Welcome to FIOR Wedding Event Organizer

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How We Can Help

Bringing your dream wedding to life with our comprehensive planning services.

Personalized Planning

Every wedding is unique. We offer personalized planning tailored to your vision and preferences to ensure your day is exactly as you imagined.

Vendor Coordination

We handle all aspects of vendor coordination from selection to management, ensuring you get the best service at the best price.

Event Design

Our expert designers will help create a stunning and cohesive look for your wedding that reflects your style and wows your guests.

Day-off Coordination

On your wedding day, we take care of all the details so you can relax and enjoy your special day without any stress.


What our client says about FIOR Wedding Organizer

Sisca & Mirsha

Mau apapun di wedding kalian, Voila, Fior will make it happen! Fior is literally our genie haha. Dari pertama kali ketemu di wedding fair, mreka udah super ramah. Dan mreka bener2 ngikutin budget dan keinginan kita. Kerennya, aku mnta apapun di wedding ku pasti dijawab bisa, dan mreka will make it work no matter how. On the other hand they will also give you their honest opinion. And our energy somehow match, jadi tektok annya pas bgt dan mreka sat set sat set bgt, jd enak bgt lah ga pake lama kalo mau apa2. Untuk aku yang orangnya lumayan merhatiin details dan perintilan, mreka itu kerjanya rapih dan disiplin. Trus super fleksibel kalo mau janjian meeting malem pun dijabanin. Pokoknya dari persiapan sampe hari H smua super smooth. Hari H pun tenang aja percayakan smua ke fior, bride and groom tinggal duduk manis ngikutin acara dan have a lot of fun! Smuanya serba gercep and very thoughtful. Keluarga dan tamu jg bs menilai kalau semua well organized. Thank you fior, you guys are not only our wedding organizer but also our friend now :)) a good one! Sukses terus buat fior woohoo!!


Pengantin perempuan di Pernikahan Mirsha & Francisca

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